A safety plan is your exit strategy. Prepare a plan in advance, either as a mental note or in writing, even if you are unsure you want to leave. Sharing this plan with children is essential if you need to go at short notice.
What to Include in a Safety Plan:
- Emergency bag: Store an emergency bag in a secure spot by your car or with a friend or family member. The bag should include:
- Copies of essential documents
- Identification documents, such as driver’s licence or passports
- A purse with cash, any debit and credit cards
- Prescriptions or medications
- A change of clothes and personal hygiene items
- A spare key to the house and car
- A phone charger
- All of the above for any children plus comfort items such as toys
- Emergency contacts: Save emergency phone numbers on your mobile device and write them in your emergency bag. Include trusted friends, family, and local support services.
- Code word: Establish a code word that tells a friend, family member, or neighbour that you feel unsafe and need assistance.
- Exit pathway: Plan your exit pathway for leaving the house, including which door is the best to use and whether you need any keys to unlock doors. Ensure you have access to car keys and keep fuel in the car.
- Children’s safety: Discuss the plan with children in an age-appropriate way. Practise what to do and where to go if an emergency occurs. Ensure they know not to get involved in the altercation but to follow the plan. Prepare a safety plan for your child.
- Digital safety: Be prepared to turn your devices off and disconnect from online accounts that could be used to track your whereabouts. Be cautious with social media to avoid sharing your location or plans.
- Safe places to go: Identify safe places in an emergency, such as friends or family members’ homes, shelters, or community centres. Know the address and contact details of these places.
- Ask neighbours for Help: Ask neighbours to call the police (Triple zero 000) if they hear arguments, yelling, or loud noises.
- Communication plan: Plan how to communicate with friends, family, and employers after you leave. Consider setting up a new email account or phone number.
- Emergency funds: Set aside emergency funds, even if small, and keep them in a separate account or with a trusted friend or family member. Remember, if your EFTPOS cards are linked to a shared bank account, your partner can track your location through bank statements.
Regularly review and practise your safety plan to ensure you and your children are familiar.