Making your money work for you is an empowering tool to recover from domestic abuse and can help you build financial indepdence. Discuss your finances and options with the following free financial services:
National helpline providing referrals to financial support services for those affected by family and domestic violence. Offers confidential advice on financial abuse and links to appropriate financial resources.
Centrelink Crisis Payment
Provides financial assistance through the Crisis Payment for those leaving a violent relationship or experiencing a crisis due to domestic violence. This payment is available to those eligible for Centrelink services.
Good Shepherd Australia
A national organisation offering no-interest loans, financial counseling, and support for people experiencing financial abuse or hardship as a result of domestic violence.
National Debt Helpline
A free financial counseling service that helps individuals experiencing financial hardship due to family and domestic violence. Provides advice on debt management, budgeting, and accessing financial resources.
Financial Counselling Australia (FCA)
National body supporting financial counselors who offer free, confidential advice to people facing financial difficulties. They provide specific guidance on financial abuse, debt management, and financial independence.