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Recovering from domestic abuse and securing your own home

Recovery from domestic abuse is a courageous and transformative journey where victim survivors can regain choice and independence over their lives. Creating a home that fosters security and independence is an important step to move from surviving to thriving. This article explores essential steps to creating a safe space to live whilst recovering from domestic abuse.

If you or someone you know is facing domestic abuse and you’d like to speak to a trained counsellor, call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732).

Understanding the recovery process

Healing from the trauma of domestic abuse is a deep learning process where a survivor can start to identify and understand the impact abuse had on their well-being. It’s important to be in a safe place and have trusted people to support you during this time. provides a step by step guide to facing or recovering from domestic abuse, as well as additional resources to understand more about your experience.

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Creating a personal safety plan and safeguarding your home

Whether you live with your abusive partner or have moved to another house, it is important to prioritise your safety in all ways. We suggest using safe device practices on your digital devices, creating a safety plan and maximising your home security where possible.

Preparing your finances

Building financial independence is a crucial step on your road to recovery, especially if you plan to create your own home. Once you have secured your safety, it’s important to collect the important documents that you might need to support any financial decisions you make. It’s a good idea to review your banking information and make sure to freeze any joint accounts you hold with your ex partner. You may also need to create new bank accounts that only you have access to. Talking to your bank’s support or financial hardship services can be helpful. Visit for more information.

Short term relocation

If your home is unsafe and you need immediate assistance, women’s refuges provide safe, temporary accommodation and associated support services to women and children in crisis. These organisations can assist you in finding a place at a refuge. Search our Service Directory to find a refuge near you.

Financial empowerment and recovery

Creating financial stability will support you on your road to recovery. Learn how to budget, create savings strategies and build financial confidence at

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