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Technology-facilitated Domestic Abuse: Signs and Safety Tips

Technology-facilitated Domestic Abuse: Signs and Safety Tips

The Impact of Technology-Facilitated Abuse

Technology plays a powerful role in everyday life—connecting people, providing information, and improving access to support. However, technology can also be misused to monitor, control, harass, or intimidate others. This type of behaviour is known as technology-facilitated abuse, a form of coercive control that often occurs alongside other forms of domestic abuse.

This article lists and examples ways technology facilitated abuse can be experienced to help survivors identify and take steps to protect themselves and their devices.

What is Technology-Facilitated Abuse?

Technology-facilitated abuse involves the purposeful misuse of technology to monitor, intimidate, or restrict another person’s independence. It can include:

  • Tracking locations through GPS, apps, or hidden devices.
  • Reading messages, emails, or browsing history without permission.
  • Controlling access to phones, computers, or online accounts.
  • Using social media or email to send threats or harassing messages.
  • Spreading misinformation or impersonating someone online.
  • Misusing intimate images or private information to threaten or shame.
  • Pretending to be you online, or spreading false information through your profiles.
  • Recording or taking photos of you without permission
  • Sharing or threatening to share private photos or personal information without consent,

This type of abuse can isolate individuals from support, limit financial or personal freedom, and create an ongoing sense of fear and surveillance.

If someone is experiencing technology-facilitated abuse, confidential support is available. Call 1800 RESPECT for 24/7 assistance.

Recognise Signs of Technology Abuse in Relationships

Technology abuse is not always obvious. Some common signs include:

  • Unexpected access to private information – Conversations or personal details being referenced by someone who was never told about them.
  • Unexplained changes to device settings – Password resets, locked accounts, or unusual restrictions. 
  • Excessive monitoring or communication – A person receiving multiple messages, calls, or check-ins, especially if not responding quickly leads to anger or threats.
  • New apps or software appearing on a device – Particularly spyware, tracking apps, or unknown logins on social media or emails.
  • Pressure to share personal passwords – Being forced to provide login details for phones, emails, banking, or other personal accounts.
  • Control over online presence – Having posts, messages, or social connections monitored or restricted
  • Location tracking without consent – Someone always knowing where a person is, even when they haven’t shared their plans.

Recognising these signs is a critical step toward improving digital safety.

Is Technology Abuse Coercive Control?

Yes, technology abuse is a form of coercive control because it is used to exert power over a survivor. By breaching privacy, monitoring movements, and controlling communication, abusers can manipulate and restrict their partner’s independence. This digital surveillance can lead to other forms of abuse, such as:

  • Isolation: Restricting access to family, friends, and support networks by monitoring calls, messages, and online interactions.
  • Emotional abuse: Gaslighting the survivor by making them question their reality, particularly about how their devices are being used against them.
  • Physical abuse: Using technology to track the survivor’s whereabouts, potentially leading to direct physical harm.
  • Creating fear: The constant feeling of being watched or controlled can lead to heightened anxiety, stress, and fear of taking any action without approval.

Recognising how technology can be used in coercive and controlling ways is important in taking steps to rebuild digital safety and independence.

How Abusers Use Technology to Control Their Partner.

The following example is a fictionalised account written to help readers identify signs of technology-facilitated abuse. 

Chrissy is a fly-in-fly-out worker for a mining company. During her rostered week off, she stays with her partner, Jackson, whom she has been dating for five years. While at home, Chrissy experiences name-calling, threats, and occasional physical violence. Unbeknownst to her, Jackson has installed a GPS spyware app on her phone, allowing him to track her location while she is at work.

Whenever Jackson notices that Chrissy may be socialising, he bombards her with persistent messages and threatens to damage her belongings or post private images of her online. Jackson also remotely monitors Chrissy’s Facebook and Google search history from her iPad, which she leaves at home. One day, he finds a conversation between Chrissy and her mother discussing her desire to leave the relationship. Jackson uses this information to humiliate and intimidate her, making her feel like she cannot safely reach out for support.

This example highlights how abusers can use technology to create a sense of constant surveillance, fear, and control, preventing survivors from taking steps toward safety and independence.

If you or someone you know is experiencing technology facilitated abuse or coercive control, call 1800 RESPECT.

Using Technology Safely to Stay Connected and Rebuild Independence

Technology is a valuable tool for staying connected, finding support, and rebuilding independence. With careful use, it can provide access to information, services, and personal security.

How Technology Can Help You

  • Find Support Confidentially – Services like 1800RESPECT offer discreet online chats and phone support. You can also use apps like Daisy or Penda to find local support services.
  • Stay in Touch Safely – Messaging apps with end-to-end encryption, like WhatsApp or Signal, help keep your private conversations secure. If you’re worried about being monitored, try using a different device at a friend’s house or a library.
  • Plan for Emergencies – Some safety apps let you send an alert to trusted contacts if you’re in danger. Setting up emergency contacts in your phone can also help you reach help quickly.
  • Manage Your Finances – Online banking and digital payment options can help you take control of your money. Setting up a separate bank account can be an important step towards financial independence.
  • Learn New Skills and Find Work – Free online courses, job search websites, and remote work options can help you regain financial independence and rebuild your future.

To access the benefits be sure to use strong passwords, adjust privacy settings, and clear your browsing history if needed. You deserve to feel safe and supported—technology can help you take back control, one step at a time. Find more safety tips at

Safety Tips for Protecting Yourself Online

When dealing with technology-facilitated abuse, protecting your technology and digital profile is crucial. Here are key steps you can take to enhance your online safety:

  • Secure Your Accounts: Update your passwords and enable two-factor authentication. Learn more about creating strong passwords.
  • Check for Spyware and Tracking Apps: Abusers may install monitoring software without your knowledge. Find out how to detect and remove spyware.
  • Adjust Social Media Privacy Settings: Limit what others can see on your social profiles. Get tips on securing your social media.
  • Use a Safe Device: If you suspect your phone or computer is compromised, try accessing important accounts from a trusted device.
  • Monitor Your Online Presence: Search for your name online to check if personal information is publicly accessible and request removal where necessary.
  • Turn Off Location Tracking: Disable GPS and location-sharing settings on apps and devices to prevent tracking.

For more detailed guidance on rebuilding your safety after experiencing abuse, visit’s Rebuild section.

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